Urban furniture for a baseball field

City of Montréal
Stade Gary-Carter, Montréal
Industrial design, outdoor furniture and sports equipment
Stade Gary-Carter in Montréal has been completely renovated for the 2023 season. Our team had the opportunity to participate in this major project, designing dugouts and sports furniture for the baseball field.

Player dugouts were at the heart of the sports furniture project our team was entrusted with. After observing that players often sit on the backs of dugout benches, we approached this element as a small bleacher.

A series of details were integrated to allow players to make the new dugouts their own: hooks for their equipment, helmet racks, a bat stand and integrated lighting.
The visual signature is in harmony with the architecture of the buildings, as well as the colors of the local team.

Photos: Raphaël Thibodeau and Michel Brassard