Bringing citizens closer together in a context of distancing

City of Montréal - Mercier-Hochelaga-Maisonneuve borough
Promenade Ontario
Urban furniture, tactical urbanism
In the summer of 2020, in a pandemic context, Ontario East street was closed to automobile traffic to revitalize the commercial artery and revive the neighbourhood after a spring of confinement.

Giving public space back to citizens amid a pandemic
Libres cours on Ontario! aims to create a place of meeting and escape at the service of the population and merchants to create an inclusive and safe space, conducive to socialization despite the context of physical distancing. To improve this pedestrianization experience, the borough collaborated with City of Montréal’s Bureau du design, NIPpaysage, ATOMIC3, Paprika and PXP to deploy a concept including furniture, marking and display.

“For us, the pedestrianization of Ontario Street is literally the difference between a possible bankruptcy and a good summer. Overnight, we had to do 360 degrees and become a restaurant. Being able to set up tables outside thanks to pedestrianization had a huge impact.” - owner of the Blind Pig Brewery, Antoine Ormandy

Enabling distancing in a meeting place
Renewing the dialogue between merchants and citizens by creating an inclusive and safe place to socialize for the neighbourhood.

Reusable furniture
The equipment had to be easy to dismantle and store in order to be reused in the following years.

An agile and flexible solution
With a 4-week deadline to design and build the project, we quickly realized that we wouldn’t have all the answers. We had to adapt quickly by listening to feedback from the users and the merchants.

Project in collaboration with NIPPAYSAGE, ATOMIC3 and Paprika
Photos: Mathieu Rivard